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Solidarity membership costs R190 per month.
Click here to read about the benefits Solidarity membership offers.
Read more about the benefits of Solidarity membership here.
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Fill out the online application form.
Click here.

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back to 012 349 9541

SMS the word MEMBER to 34802 and
we will call you back.

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People pay hundreds of rands a month for short-term insurance. This is in case you get into an accident that day or something is stolen. You don’t need it every day and yet you have it because you can’t afford to be without it. Isn’t your job more important than a TV set or mobile phone?
There are many things that happen every day in the workplace for which employees often suddenly need employment law advice. Solidarity has the largest employment law practice in South Africa with three specialized divisions.
Solidarity strives to make South Africa’s workplaces healthier and safer. Solidarity has a specialized department that assists employees who are injured on duty or contract an occupational disease with the claim process at the Compensation Commissioner. The department investigates numerous cases where accidents do occur in the workplace and makes proposals to reduce safety risks. Solidarity’s general litigation and labor court departments handle up to 2,500 cases on behalf of both individual and collective members at any given time. The most common inquiries and cases in which Solidarity becomes involved are in cases of unfair affirmative action and discrimination, disciplinary hearings and cases of unfair dismissal, layoffs and the provision of labor law advice on basic employment conditions.
In addition, Solidarity decided to take a giant step into the future and build a new network of work. We are going to stay here, but we are not going to stay silent. We will fight and build. The Solidarity Network is not going to try to push back the tide of change like trade unions across the world; rather we are going to ride the wave of change and equip our members and the community to be stronger in the new world of work. Solidarity is actively building knowledge factories that will equip its members to win the war for good work. New networks of professional guilds will connect people, help young people gain access to the workplace, help with continuing education, and stand up for the interests of the profession.
Full Solidarity membership makes a distinction between collective and individual members
- Collective members
Employees who work at large companies where Solidarity already has a collective agreement, or at companies that are served in a group context and are considered collective by Solidarity. Collective members’ Solidarity membership fee is deducted directly from their salaries by the employer and paid over to Solidarity. Members are also automatically placed in a Solidarity guild by means of their professional field.
- Individual members
Solidarity is the only labor institution in South Africa that has a dedicated section for individual members. Individual members are employees who work at companies where Solidarity does not have a recognition agreement and members are not served in a group context. Individual members’ Solidarity membership fee is deducted directly from the employee’s bank account by debit order. Members are also automatically placed in a Solidarity guild by means of their professional field.
Support members
- Building Fund members
As a Building Fund member, you support the Solidarity Movement with the establishment of training institutions. Boufonds membership is a voluntary contribution of your choice; consequently, the benefits of Boufonds membership are limited and the labor law advice benefits of Solidarity membership are excluded. As a Boufonds member, your contribution helps to build training institutions such as Akademia and Sol-Tech and thus leave monuments for our posterity.
- Legal Fund members
As a Legal Fund member, you support Solidarity Movement in its fight against affirmative action and thus ensure that you and your children are not judged on the basis of race, but on the basis of your skills. In this way we ensure that your future and the future of your children can be free, safe and prosperous. All these legal costs cannot be covered by Solidarity membership fees, so the Solidarity Movement has created the Legal Fund and the public’s support is being asked to make these cases financially possible.
A Member of Solidarity is part of a much larger Network of work. It is much bigger than just a traditional union because you have access to so many more benefits and protections.
At Solidarity, we work diligently and dream of expanding the opportunities for training even further. As part of the annual membership fee increase for Solidarity members, a specific focus has been placed on the funding of training initiatives and scholarship funds.
The membership fee for collective members is recovered directly by employers from the employees’ salaries. The membership fee for individual, Building Fund and Legal Fund members is collected by debit order, directly from the member’s bank account and amounts to.
The cancellation of Solidarity membership is subject to 30 days written notice which must be sent directly to the union.